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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Working in LAMB Hospital

This is obviously a great opportunity for me to have a chance to work in LAMB hospital while I’m still student.

I’ll be starting my Final year classes from the middle of September,2010. Nikkon is also working with me , so does

Pamela. I’m really learning a lots of thing and also gathering new experiences. I’ve drained abcess (I/D), aspirated ascites, gave urinary catheter and watched some USG, ECG, X-rays ,Endoscopy with Dr. Kim and Dr. Saidul. We are attending in the round with doctors in the morning then sometimes in OPD sometimes in ID  and rest of the time in the doctors room.

We have watched some cases like, GBS, SJS, Multiple myeloma, DKA, MI, pressure sore and many more. We are now working in emergency sections. We are trying to learn how to manage emergency situation in different conditions. We will be working here up to 16th September,2010 then we will go back to our study places.

Thanks to LAMB and off-course The Almighty Lord Jesus for all this.


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